bro cooked
bro cooked
damn what she boutta cook with two sais in her hand
wait is that not raven
Nah. This is Naga from Slayers from like the 90s
oh hell nah lil bro done turnt to a lightskin
freaking badass
so much ideas can come from that one door alone
good art but i rebuke this in the name of jesus
i love the xp background so much
cant wait for scott pilgrim to come out bro
Yeah omg I'm so excited for it!!!! Scott Pilgrim has been my favorite movie ever since I saw it in theatres over a decade ago, then I got into the comics and fell in love with it all over again.
yup adding funny looking duck game on my list
I'm Kidea.
Music Artist
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
Joined on 1/6/22